Though the looming threat of the global COVID-19 pandemic has most families scrambling to meet immediate needs, now might be the time to look long term. Like going solar, even in a pandemic.

If there’s anything that 2020 has proved to the global community, it’s that things you take for granted in your day-to-day life can be taken away in unpredictable times. Easy access to necessary items — like groceries, clothes and even to other people — can disappear rapidly. 

The last thing on your mind might be installing solar panels for your home, but for some, it was the first thing they did when quarantine started. 

Why Solar Can Help in a Pandemic

A recent Bloomberg article followed a family living in Austria who had middling success with their half-hearted solar implementations before the pandemic. But then they invested more into the process during quarantine… resulting in some incredible returns.

Read the full article.

At first, divesting in solar energy was a welcome distraction for a family now stuck at home for the foreseeable future. Then they discussed their payback timeline on their loans and realized something important about their energy consumption: Staying at home was actually helping them save money on energy. They were finally using what they generated daily to their highest potential with even some extra energy left over.

Looking more closely at the way they used that power — and making simple changes to their routine — also allowed for some returns that began adding up. 

1. Energy Independence Can Provide a Constant Through Economic Turmoil

Even as the energy markets around the world dipped as economies struggled through the pandemic shutdowns, their power remained stable. Solar, even through the pandemic, provided a constant in the midst of paranoia and uncertainty. 

The Austrian family started doing laundry and using cleaning appliances on sunny afternoons to consume more of their generated electricity. Soon, they were able to turn their solar home into a source of a second income by selling the excess energy through the process of net metering

The family reported that during the month of April, they earned around $6 a day, which began to add up quickly.

2. Using Net Metering Can Provide Extra Cash to Help Out When Times Get Tough

An important side to consider about the world as big cities are forced to rest and cars are parked for more hours of the day: the decrease in fossil fuel use throughout the global lockdown.

While it’s hard to rejoice at clearer skies and cleaner streets because of the millions dying from the virus across the world and in the United States, the environmental impact throughout the shutdowns are real-world proof of the benefits of reducing fossil fuel usage.

The threat of a global pandemic is a good reminder that we’re all in this together. And that even a small family in Kansas City can contribute to ensuring the health and wellness of people down the street — as well as the world. 

3. Do Your Part in Ensuring the Wellness of the Global Community with Renewable Energy

“Even though our experiment with solar power is just getting started, in a time of great human tragedy, our panels help us feel a little more hopeful about the world around us. Renewable energy gives us a glimpse of what’s possible,” said Jonathan Tirone, author of the aforementioned Bloomberg article. 

A recent C&EN article reported that better air quality due to the decreased fossil fuel usages boosted returns on solar power because of less haze and sunnier days. 

In Delhi, India, where the city typically has the worst air quality of any city in the world, the sun illumination was up by 8% by March. This was due to the 50% drop of motor vehicle particulates in the air. The difference caused the solar users in the area to produce more energy for their personal use and save on costs. 

“The effect has likely been particularly pronounced in Delhi, [Ian Marius] Peters, [a photovoltaic researcher based in Germany] says, because pollution levels in the city are usually quite high. However, he says he’s “absolutely certain it has happened everywhere where air pollution went down,’” according to C&EN. 

Clear skies can help save you money. It’s a positive feedback loop worth feeding into. 

This is Why We Are Here

If you are looking for the best solar company in Kansas City, look no further than KC Solar. They are your local Kansas City solar panel installation experts. Once you schedule a no-pressure site visit, our experts will help you understand what solar system specifications would be best for your home or business.

KC Solar is the only local solar company in Kansas City with KC natives who own and operate the daily activities of the business. What does that mean for you? We care about you because we care about this city, and we only want the best for it.

Get in touch with us today.

And be sure to download our Free Solar Panel Buying Guide for more information.







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