
solar rebates

Why Did You Go Solar? KC Solar Customers Share Their Experience

By |2022-07-13T22:10:17-05:00June 2nd, 2022|Going Green, Solar 101, Why Solar|

When making a big decision, such as whether to go solar or not, doing your own research is always valuable. Oftentimes that includes asking family or friends about their experience going through that same decision making process.  This is easy to do when finding a reputable dealership or repairman. However, making the switch to solar

Are Ground Mounted Solar Panels The Best Choice For Me?

By |2022-07-13T22:11:51-05:00February 8th, 2022|Solar 101, Solar in the News|

If you’re looking to go solar, you might be wondering what type of solar system is the best choice for you. There are quite a few things to take into consideration, from what company to choose, financing decisions, and even which type of solar installation to choose. While ground mounted solar panels are not a

Are Solar Incentives Coming To an End?

By |2023-02-01T14:43:50-05:00January 24th, 2022|Solar 101, Solar in the News|

Solar incentives have been around since Solar Investment Tax Credit went into effect in 2006, and has seen great success in the growth of solar. Initially set to expire at the end of 2007, it has been extended by Congress a number of times. Currently it is set to expire at the end of 2023,

Good News for 2021: Solar Tax Breaks Extended

By |2023-02-01T14:43:00-05:00January 26th, 2021|Solar 101, Solar in the News|

While it wasn’t easy, we’ve made it to 2021. And 2020 is likely a year most of us would prefer to forget. It was a year full of uncertainty and sacrifices in the wake of the pandemic, all topped off with a tense election in the last few months. Whether or not you feel that

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