green lifestyle

5 Questions To Ask Your Solar Installation Company

By |2023-04-26T10:02:34-05:00April 26th, 2023|Going Green, Solar 101|

Going solar is a big decision. And when you’re making a decision of that magnitude, there’s another big decision that also needs to be made: Who will you trust to handle this project? How can you be sure you’re choosing the right solar installation company to help you on your solar journey? The best people

How Much Difference Can Individual Actions Make on Climate Change by Switching to Solar?

By |2022-08-22T16:47:39-05:00August 15th, 2022|Going Green|

Taylor Swift, Kylie Jenner, and other celebrities’ actions have recently been called into question around their individual actions on climate change, specifically around private jet usage. This lead us to question many things, such as: What impact to individuals have on climate change? Does one individual switching to solar really make a difference? What changes

How Green Are Solar Panels, Really?

By |2022-07-25T23:51:25-05:00July 25th, 2022|Going Green, Solar in the News|

With global warming causing places around the world to reach new all time high temps, the move to solar energy and other renewables is on everyone’s mind. But how green are solar panels really? Is the whole process of going solar as green as everyone says they are? Production Process of Photovoltaic Cells In order

Why Did You Go Solar? KC Solar Customers Share Their Experience

By |2022-07-13T22:10:17-05:00June 2nd, 2022|Going Green, Solar 101, Why Solar|

When making a big decision, such as whether to go solar or not, doing your own research is always valuable. Oftentimes that includes asking family or friends about their experience going through that same decision making process.  This is easy to do when finding a reputable dealership or repairman. However, making the switch to solar

Evergy Solar Program: Pros and Cons

By |2023-05-11T11:35:08-05:00April 21st, 2022|Going Green, Solar 101|

As technology improves, people have become more aware of how much energy they use. They have also become more aware of where their energy is coming from. Add in that people want to reduce their carbon footprint. All of these factors combined are leading people and energy companies to go green. People are doing this

What Factors Influence the Value-Add of Solar Panels?

By |2022-07-13T22:14:17-05:00November 17th, 2021|Solar 101, Why Solar|

When it comes to buying solar panels, you may wonder: Is it really worth it? Even though they can help you save money on your electrical bill, they require a substantial investment upfront. But what if you don’t want to stay in the same home forever? It turns out that solar panels are great for

How to Fight Your Homeowner’s Association (HOA) for Solar Panels

By |2022-07-13T22:14:27-05:00October 20th, 2021|Solar 101|

Homeowners Associations -- or HOAs -- are known for wanting to keep a standard appearance amongst the houses in the neighborhood, among other things. You may have to get permission from them to take certain actions. And that likely includes installing solar panels. If your HOA isn’t keen on the idea of letting you install

How Does Solar Energy Help the Environment?

By |2022-07-13T22:15:28-05:00September 9th, 2021|Going Green, Why Solar|

When you think of solar panels, you may think of a few things. First on people’s minds is often the idea of saving money. And for good reason: Going solar can dramatically reduce, or even eliminate, your monthly electric bill. It can also increase your home’s value, and you can even get tax credits from

How Solar Panels Protect You Against Inflation

By |2022-07-13T22:17:13-05:00April 15th, 2021|Why Solar|

When you think about solar panels, you might think about their environmental impacts, especially as Earth Day 2021 approaches. And it’s true -- going solar is a great way to do your part to ensure a healthier planet for all of us. But did you know that solar panels are more than just a way

Should I Switch to Solar Energy?

By |2022-07-13T22:17:18-05:00March 31st, 2021|Going Green, Solar 101, Why Solar|

“Should I switch to solar energy?” It’s a question that many people have likely asked themselves. While you may know about some of the benefits, you may not feel like you know enough to seriously consider it. Maybe it sounds like a hassle, maybe it seems confusing, or maybe it just seems too expensive. But

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