are solar panels ugly

How to Fight Your Homeowner’s Association (HOA) for Solar Panels

By |2022-07-13T22:14:27-05:00October 20th, 2021|Solar 101|

Homeowners Associations -- or HOAs -- are known for wanting to keep a standard appearance amongst the houses in the neighborhood, among other things. You may have to get permission from them to take certain actions. And that likely includes installing solar panels. If your HOA isn’t keen on the idea of letting you install

Solar Aesthetics Part Two: 10 Best Solar Homes

By |2022-07-13T22:22:16-05:00July 2nd, 2020|Going Green, Solar Technology, Why Solar|

Don't think you have to sacrifice the aesthetics of your home for your commitment to renewable energy. Solar panel integrations can come standard and look like you would expect. We've explored how solar panels can be attractive in part 1 of our series. But let's look at some examples of the best solar homes. They

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