Do You Have A Solar Project We Can Help With?
Should You Get a HERO Loan? Read Up First
Your family’s financial bandwidth doesn’t have to get in the way of your quest to energy efficiency. Applying for a Home Energy Renovation Opportunity (HERO) loan could give you the cash you need to commit to sustainable and energy efficient
What is Net Metering, and Why Does It Matter?
Net metering is a crucial concept for solar homeowners looking to understand the cost-saving processes in the industry. Because of net metering, solar users are able to save tens of thousands of dollars over the lifetime of their installed system.
Review Solar Panel Buying Guide to Answer Your Questions
The overall cost for average Americans to buy solar panels is decreasing every year. And more people want solar energy. In fact, according to the Pew Research Center, 92% of Americans favor expanding solar energy. With cost-saving benefits trending up
Solar Aesthetics Part Two: 10 Best Solar Homes
Don't think you have to sacrifice the aesthetics of your home for your commitment to renewable energy. Solar panel integrations can come standard and look like you would expect. We've explored how solar panels can be attractive in part 1
5 Solar Innovations That Could Change the Future
New innovations in solar power and technology are poised to make impacts on the future of renewable energy. Learn about five solar innovations.
How Durable Are Solar Panels?
When committing to solar energy for your home, you may wonder whether your solar panels will be durable enough to withstand years of environmental factors. It's a good question to ask. The short answer is: yes. Most manufacturers build their solar panels to withstand the elements.