going green in retirement

5 Questions To Ask Your Solar Installation Company

By |2023-04-26T10:02:34-05:00April 26th, 2023|Going Green, Solar 101|

Going solar is a big decision. And when you’re making a decision of that magnitude, there’s another big decision that also needs to be made: Who will you trust to handle this project? How can you be sure you’re choosing the right solar installation company to help you on your solar journey? The best people

How Does Solar Energy Help the Environment?

By |2022-07-13T22:15:28-05:00September 9th, 2021|Going Green, Why Solar|

When you think of solar panels, you may think of a few things. First on people’s minds is often the idea of saving money. And for good reason: Going solar can dramatically reduce, or even eliminate, your monthly electric bill. It can also increase your home’s value, and you can even get tax credits from

How Solar Panels Increase Home Value in Retirement

By |2022-07-13T22:17:07-05:00May 4th, 2021|Going Green, Why Solar|

As you move toward retirement, you might be thinking about beginning the “rest of your life.” Whether you want to focus on your hobbies, travel the world, or spend more time with your family and growing cohort of grandkids. But finances are always part of the equation. And home solar panels are a surprising but

4 Ways Solar Panels Save Money in Retirement

By |2023-02-01T14:45:05-05:00March 18th, 2021|Why Solar|

You may have never considered it before, but solar panels are a great part of any retirement planning strategy. Don’t believe us? We’ll be happy to explain why solar panels make great financial sense for retirees. We’ve put together a list of four of the ways solar panels can help save money in retirement. Keep

Consider Solar Panels in Your Retirement Planning Strategy

By |2022-07-13T22:18:30-05:00February 4th, 2021|Going Green, Why Solar|

From the time we’re young adults, many of us are told again and again about the importance of planning for retirement. Whether it’s contributing to work-sponsored 401(k)s and getting an employer match or funding an IRA retirement account. Smart financial decisions can help make sure we’re set for later in life. But besides stashing money

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