
Solar in the News

Why Kansas City Energy Customers Will Soon See Electricity Bill Increases With Evergy Plans

By |2023-09-18T12:46:32-05:00September 18th, 2023|Going Green, Solar in the News|

If you’ve driven along I-70 between Kansas City and St. Louis anytime in the past few months, you may have seen the billboards: Or, you may have gotten flyers in your mailbox: new Evergy plans are coming. In other words, Evergy is changing the way customers in Kansas City, Missouri, pay for electricity this fall,

Solar Farming: The Benefits of Growing Crops Under Solar Panels

By |2023-07-27T14:56:33-05:00August 7th, 2023|Solar in the News, Solar Technology|

We’re always keeping a pulse on solar news and solar innovations around the world, and something caught our eye this week: using solar farming, Germany is growing hops for beer under solar panels. As fans of beer and solar panels, what could be better? Solar farming, also known as agrivoltaics, is the practice of growing

How To Prepare For Your Next Power Outage

By |2023-07-21T13:43:35-05:00July 27th, 2023|Solar in the News, Why Solar|

A couple of weeks ago, a nasty summer storm rolled through Kansas City. Arriving on Friday afternoon, streets flooded, trees and branches fell on homes and buildings, and thousands of homes were left without power throughout the entire weekend. Even a week later, some homes had yet to have power restored despite the hard work

What You Need to Know About Evergy’s New Time-Based Energy Plans in Missouri

By |2023-07-14T14:48:34-05:00July 17th, 2023|Solar in the News, Why Solar|

During a hot summer in Kansas City, many of us are keeping a close eye on our electric bill. But if you log into the Evergy platform, you may come across a surprise if you live in Missouri: Evergy's new time-based energy plans are coming for residential customers. All current plans will be replaced with

5 Exciting Solar Innovations We’re Keeping an Eye On

By |2023-06-22T14:31:48-05:00June 26th, 2023|Solar in the News, Solar Technology|

It’s an exciting time to follow the solar industry. From new financial incentives that make solar more accessible and affordable, to new solar technology that could change the game completely, there’s no question that solar is growing. With more and more people choosing to go solar, more solar innovations are following suit. Keep reading to

What You Need To Know About Rural Solar Panels

By |2023-06-16T13:33:02-05:00June 16th, 2023|Solar 101, Solar in the News, Solar Technology|

With all the press solar panels have received lately -- from the new federal solar incentives, to exciting innovations in solar -- it’s no surprise that interest is high. But a lot of the time, the focus is on residential or commercial solar installation. What about rural solar panels? Solar panels in rural areas present

Watch for Solar Panel Scams and Bankrupt Companies

By |2023-03-07T11:02:53-05:00March 6th, 2023|Solar 101, Solar in the News|

Solar energy is in the news, thanks to the recent Inflation Reduction Act, signed by President Biden in 2022. With all the great incentives offered to new and existing solar panel customers, many people are investigating their solar options and how they can get the most from their system. But unfortunately, there are always companies

What To Know About Solar Battery Storage and the Inflation Reduction Act

By |2023-03-07T11:02:59-05:00February 9th, 2023|Solar in the News, Why Solar|

By now, almost everyone knows about the new Inflation Reduction Act, which was signed into law in August 2022. Some of the most interesting provisions of the law -- for us at KC Solar and potential solar customers -- include the extension of solar tax credits and other incentives for solar equipment installation. But many

Evergy Energy Prices Rising in Kansas: Here’s How Solar Can Help

By |2023-01-18T09:33:55-05:00January 18th, 2023|Going Green, Solar in the News|

The new year is finally here as we say hello to 2023. With the start of a new year, many people take some time to revise their budget or review their financial situation. Of course, it’s impossible to ignore the way that inflation has impacted prices all around us -- from groceries, to clothing, to

What Kansas Solar Incentives, Rebates, and Tax Credits Available Right Now?

By |2023-02-01T14:46:28-05:00December 8th, 2022|Going Green, Solar in the News|

If you live in Kansas, you may have wondered whether installing solar panels could be the right decision for you. And how do you even get started? It’s true that Kansas doesn’t have a great reputation in the solar energy department. You might also be wondering whether Kansas has any solar incentives, rebates, or tax

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