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Why Your HOA Can’t Stop Your Solar Panel Purchase

So you want to go solar but you keep asking yourself – does my Homeowner’s Association (HOA) allow solar panels? And if they do, what say do they have in the process? Are there any laws protecting you or your

July 15th, 2022|Going Green, Solar 101, Why Solar|

How Inflation is Affecting Energy Costs (Not Just Gas Prices)

Inflation is affecting more than just the price at the pump and the grocery store aisles. Inflation is also affecting energy costs. There is a wide range of data sets from a number of different sources means you can get

July 6th, 2022|Going Green, Why Solar|

Kansas City Solar and Renewable Energy Making Headlines

Renewable energy around the country is making headlines on a weekly basis. Kansas City solar and renewable energy is no exception. As the need to switch away from fossil fuels becomes more apparent, both individuals and governments are doing their

June 23rd, 2022|Going Green, Solar in the News|

Why Did You Go Solar? KC Solar Customers Share Their Experience

When making a big decision, such as whether to go solar or not, doing your own research is always valuable. Oftentimes that includes asking family or friends about their experience going through that same decision making process.  This is easy

June 2nd, 2022|Going Green, Solar 101, Why Solar|

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